Monday, October 15, 2012

Where you can find a good source of vitamin B12?

The only natural absorbable forms of B12 come from animal products such as eggs milk & meat (& s*it which some herbivores eat for access to B12). Anything else is an analogue & cannot be utilised by the body. Vegan dieticians such as Jack Norris back this up (google for proof) & the vegan society.

Nori seaweed/spirulina/dirt are NOT sources & have 0-evidence for them being sources of B12 for a vegan. A vegan must get their B12 from supplementation or fortification eg B12-injections, B12 multivitamin, plant milks, refined cereals, fortified marmites etc.

Vegans sometimes underplay this minerals importance & its accessiblity in a vegan diet to make their diet seem natural as opposed to reliant on technology. This is especially the case with fruitarians who believe we should follow the diet of our primate cousins yet then criticise the paleo-diet for trying to imitate the diet of early humans....logic=none.

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Nutritional yeast has B12,it is vegan and it tastes good. And it is absorb able and digestible. Since natural B12 comes v
Fro bacterial action in dirt (that is how feed animals get it) root veggies can also be a source.

It is an important vitamin, but you need a tiny amount of it, the rda is measured in micrograms not milligrams. 

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herbivores are a good source of b12... lol i meant ruminants like beef,lamb etc. The vegan diet supplies no b12. Humans are an omnivorous species. Unless you vegans have 4 stomach compartments to digest cellulose and host enough bacteria to convert all that cellulose to usable short chain fatty acids like herbivorous animals do, then i suggest you put down the china study and actually feed yourself real food and not what food eats.

Lets look at the supposed nutrient density and nutritients plant foods apparently have shall we? humans require vitamin b12, vitamin A (retinol), vitamin d, heme iron,vitamin k2, significant amounts of zinc. I can't think of one plant food that has all these things, yet these are essential nutrients. You are maybe saying well animal food doesnt have all that either, well let me tell you liver has all that and more. it has almost all the minerals and vitamins we need maybe excluding significant amount of calcium and vitamin c.

other than those two things, liver supplies every singe thing we need. Just like another answerer(well researched) here posted, spirulina, seaweed, and other vegan things that vegans tout as having b12 are b12 analogues. Eating these will make your body actually more b12 deficent and require more than say if you didnt eat any at all. B12 deficiency is dangerous and like that poster said, vegan gurus downplay the actual inmportance of b12. I was raw vegan for a good chunk of time, and vegetarian before that, I wish i didnt damage myself with such a damaging diet.

Maybe raw veganism might be good for the short term like a week, but after that cleansing, you need foods to rebuild and nourish. animal foods have nutrients that are bioavailable and in greater amounts than plant foods. If all transportation systems stop accross the world and all supermarkets are cleared out within 24 hours, and all those supplies of food run out in 2 months, what in the world will north america eat for 7-9 months when things dont grow outside.

even in the summer, im sure you wont find much unless you garden and you have some vegetables/fruits etc. you wont be able to buy any pesticides or other things, so what if this season, the birds ate all your cherries, and the worms took every single apple, or even better, what if you dont even have a good turnout at all like what actually happened this year with our garden.

There wasnt much rain this year. SO what in the world will vegans eat? I mean this is natural right? if a peron needs say 2000 calories, where are you going to find that. i've even see frutarian gurus suggest 3000 calories to maintain "health" so im wondering? if its hard for one person to find all that food in north america what about the rest of the population. anyways thats something for you to think about.

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