Saturday, October 20, 2012

Vegetarians are reducing demand for meat to help animals

Yes and no. I do think the more people who choose not to eat meat the less demand for it there will be. Over the years the amount of non-meat eaters has steadily increased and it will definetely continue. The main reason people choose not to eat meat is to not support harming animals. Like when people boycott a brand or something they think is doing something wrong. 

If enough people boycott the brand things do eventually change. vegetarians and vegans choose not to support something they think is wrong and hope that with each person that decides to make the change they will become closer to positive changes. Many also choose to help in other ways by helping at shelters, giving strays a home and etc. It mainly just comes down to doing what you think is right.

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Vegetarians are lowering the demand for meat, which is saving animals because less animals are bred for meat. Every single vegetarian makes a small difference but billions of vegetarians make a big difference so join the billions of people that together are working towards making this a better world, for the animals, the environment and ourselves.

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To be frank... probably not. Just because you don't eat that hamburger doesn't mean someone else won't. That being said, abstaining from meat/meat by-products removes yourself from the complacency with the methods with which the industry produces its' animals. It is you saying, with your wallet "I do not support this, and I will not be party to it". When enough people do so, yes, changes in the numbers produced do occur. It doesn't change the life of those still produced, but it is at least a step in the right direction to make that decision. 

It is simply saying "I don't agree with your methods. I will not support you with my money."

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honestly, no. they will still kill the animals because there isnt enough vegetarians for them not to. i dont eat meat because i dont like it, and i also just dont feel comfortable eating something that is a dead animal. that's just me though, some people dont care. its your choice.

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